Congrats – you are in the Top 25% of Most-View ed on SlideShare:
Even if we did not post anything new on SlideShare in 2014, our contribution ended up in the upper quartile of the most viewed articles on SlideShare. We believe that this shows the great current interest in uncertainty and risk related to economic issues.
The article The Weighted Average Cost of Capital was originally published in the January/February 2003 issue of Financial Engineering News, and was many years later reprinted as (among) “The best of Financial Engineering News”:
And it is still a relevant and popular article both on SlideShare and here. Since we put up our home page in 2009 the number of visitors and page loads has increased steadily:
At the end of 2014, almost 80.000 had visited our home page, and read one or more of the articles posted there. The increase in visitors and articles read again shows the increased interest in uncertainty, risk and Monte Carlo simulation – topics we at the best of our ability try to cover.
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