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About Strategy@Risk – Strategy @ Risk

About Strategy@Risk

We specialize in the positive development of reputations resulting from apposite strategic decision making. We accomplish this through understanding, assessing, managing and financial modelling of corporate risk; ensuring that the right strategic decisions are made. Our approach is holistic and thorough; we focus on quantifying and mitigating downside risk and taking advantage of upside risk opportunities.


Corporate reputation; its preservation and advancement in existing and new markets are fundamental responsibilities for managers, CFOs, CEOs, Boards of Directors and Chairmen. This is particularly so in a world where instant communication relays information directly and deliberately to markets and interested constituencies.

FAILURES IN REPUTATION ARE EVERYWHERE: organizations become engulfed in waves of discontinuity, unprepared, with no real strategy for managing risk or for managing the opportunities that risk presents.

It’s not necessary to look far to see examples of where the intangible yet vital value of organizational reputation has been seriously diluted and in some cases actually suffered destruction through poor risk assessment and risk management in strategic decision making and subsequent implementation.


They embrace and influence almost every organizational strategy e.g. mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, investment in new plant, new products, new technologies and new market-places as well as training and skills programs, labour relations; together with issues relating to purchasing, outsourcing, energy, the physical environment and current / future political dynamics.

Corporate and / or institutional reputation reflects an accumulation of values ascribed by a broad mix of stakeholders and external constituencies having an interest in the organization. Typically these include:

  • Customers
  • Government
  • All Shareholders
  • Financial Institutions
  • Employees
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Suppliers
  • Credible third parties

We believe that perceptions held and judgements made by stakeholders and interested constituencies are fundamental to the continued success of companies – or otherwise.

Paradoxically, the intangible nature of organizational reputation is formed from strategic decisions applied to a wide spectrum of corporate activities that are finally reflected in easily observable and often tangible outcomes. The quarterly or annual set of corporate accounts is an apposite example.


Beyond organizational reputation: the identification and quantification of corporate risk, and strategies for its effective management and mitigation, are becoming required formal statements in corporate announcements in the wake of existing and forthcoming legislation in the US, Europe and elsewhere.

Working in tune with our clients Strategy@Risk Ltd contributes to the delivery of the right strategic decision(s) i.e. allocating capital and other resources to the highest reward projects adjusted for risk including:

  • assessing the probability of profitable ROE in strategic project investments / acquisitions
  • estimating potential losses in expected operating earnings at risk
  • benchmarking business unit risk profiles
  • determining corporate or individual risk retention strategies

We develop and implement enterprise-wide risk management programs establishing ‘best practice’ frameworks dealing with the totality of risks faced by clients.

Holistically approached and using our expert valuation and unique financial modelling systems we focus upon risk opportunities and rewards and appropriate mitigation strategies together with the effects that uncertainty and changing variables have upon three crucial areas of business:

  • Internal environment – resources, assets, people, skills, culture, systems etc.
  • Market Place – customers, segments, materials, technologies, logistics, substitutes etc.
  • Operating Environment – economic growth, political dynamics, social and demographic changes, regulation and the eco-environment.


An initial meeting allows us to begin to understand each other and for us to gain an insight into a client’s ideas, ambitions and direction through an open but totally confidential exchange. Following one or possibly two further meetings and subject to client approval we prepare and submit a fully costed proposal of work with time lines and key deliverables made clear. Depending upon the nature of the program, we usually take a phased approach enabling joint assessment at the end of each stage of work.
Formal acceptance of our proposal of work – its scope, scale, fees and costs, and timing initiates the program that will almost certainly require input and co- operation of key executives and managers at regular intervals during its lifecycle.

On completion of an assignment we will deliver a comprehensive presentation and understandable report making clear our key recommendations and next steps to be pursued. We will not leave you at risk.

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