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The fallacies of scenario analysis – Strategy @ Risk

Series: The fallacies of scenario analysis

  • The fallacies of Scenario analysis

    The fallacies of Scenario analysis

    This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series The fallacies of scenario analysis


    Scenario analysis is often used in company valuation – with high, low and most likely scenarios to estimate the value range and expected value. A common definition seems to be:

    Scenario analysis is a process of analyzing possible future events or series of actions by considering alternative possible outcomes (scenarios). The analysis is designed to allow improved decision-making by allowing consideration of outcomes and their implications.

    Actually this definition covers at least two different types of analysis:

    1. Alternative scenario analysis; in politics or geo-politics, scenario analysis involves modeling the possible alternative paths of a social or political environment and possibly diplomatic and war risks – “rehearsing the future”,
    2. Scenario analysis; a number of versions of the underlying mathematical problem are created to model the uncertain factors in the analysis.

    The first addresses “wicked” problems; ill-defined, ambiguous and associated with strong moral, political and professional issues. Since they are strongly stakeholder dependent, there is often little consensus about what the problem is, let alone how to resolve it. (Rittel & Webber,1974)

    The second cover “tame” problems; that has well-defined and stable problem statements and belongs to a class of similar problems which are all solved in the same similar way. (Conklin, 2001) Tame however does not mean simple – a tame problem can be very technically complex.

    Scenario analysis in the last sense is a compromise between computational complex stochastic models (the S&R approach) and the overly simplistic and often unrealistic deterministic models. Each scenario is a limited representation of the uncertain elements and one sub-problem is generated for each scenario.

    Best Case/ Worse Case Scenarios analysis.
    With risky assets, the actual cash flows can be very different from expectations. At the minimum, we can estimate the cash flows if everything works to perfection – a best case scenario – and if nothing does – a worst case scenario.

    In practice, each input into asset value is set to its best (or worst) possible outcome and the cash flows estimated with those values.

    Thus, when valuing a firm, the revenue growth rate and operating margin etc. is set at the highest possible level while interest rates etc. is set at its lowest level, and then the best-case scenario value is computed.

    The question now is – if this really is the best (or worst) value or if let’s say a 95% (5%) percentile is chosen for each input – will that give the 95% (5%) percentile for the firm’s value?

    Let’ say that we in the first case – (X + Y) – want to calculate entity value by adding ‘NPV of market value of FCF’ (X) and ‘NPV of continuing value’ (Y). Both are stochastic variables, X is positive while Y can be positive or negative.  In the second case – (X – Y) – we want to calculate the value of equity by subtracting value of debt (Y) from entity value (X). Both X and Y are stochastic, positive variables.

    From statistics we know that for the joint distribution of (X ±Y) the expected value E(X ±Y) is E(X) ± E(Y) and that Var(X ± Y) is Var(X) + Var(Y) ± 2Cov(X,Y). Already from the expression for the joint variance we can see that this not necessarily will be true. However the expected value will be the same.

    We can demonstrate this by calculating a number of percentiles for two normal independent distributions (with Cov(X,Y)=0, to make it simple) and add (subtract) them and plot the result (red line) with the same percentiles from the joint distribution  – blue line for (X+Y) and green line for (X-Y).


    As we can see the lines for X+Y only coincides at the expected value and the deviation increases as we move out on the tails. For X-Y the deviation is even more pronounced:


    Plotting the deviation from the joint distribution as percentage from X Y, demonstrates very large relative deviations as we move out on the tails and that the sign of the numerical operator totally changes the direction of the deviations:


    Add to this, a valuation analysis with a large number of:

    1. both correlated and auto-correlated stochastic variables,
    2. complex calculations,
    3. simultaneous equations,

    and there is no way of finding out where you are on the probability distribution – unless you do a complete Monte Carlo simulation. It is like being out in the woods at night without a map and compass – you know you are in the woods but not where.

    Some advocates scenario analysis to measure risk on an asset using the difference between the best-case and worst-case. Based on the above this can only be a very bad idea, since risk in the sense of loss is connected to the left tail where the deviation from the joint distribution can be expected to be the largest. This brings us to the next post in the series.


    Rittel, H., and Webber, M. (1973). Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences, Vol. 4, pp 155-169. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Inc: Amsterdam.

    Conklin, Jeff (2001). Wicked Problems. Retrieved April 28, 2009, from CofNexus Institute Web site: http://www.cognexus.org/wpf/wickedproblems.pdf


  • Public Works Projects

    Public Works Projects

    This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series The fallacies of scenario analysis


    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law. (Hofstadter,1999)

    In public works and large scale construction or engineering projects – where uncertainty mostly (only) concerns cost, a simplified scenario analysis is often used.

    Costing Errors

    An excellent study carried out by Flyvberg, Holm and Buhl (Flyvbjerg, Holm, Buhl2002) address the serious questions surrounding the chronic costing errors in public works projects. The purpose was to identify typical deviation from budget and the specifics of the major causes for these deviations:

    The main findings from the study reported in their article – all highly significant and most likely conservative -are as follows:

    In 9 out of 10 transportation infrastructure projects, costs are underestimated. For a randomly selected project, the probability of actual costs being larger than estimated costs is  0.86. The probability of actual costs being lower than or equal to estimated costs is only 0.14. For all project types, actual costs are on average 28% higher than estimated costs.

    Cost underestimation:

    – exists across 20 nations and 5 continents:  appears to be a global phenomena.
    – has not decreased over the past 70 years:  no improvement in cost estimate accuracy.
    – cannot be excused by error:  seems best explained by strategic misrepresentation, i.e. the planned,   systematic  distortion or misstatement of facts inn the budget process. (Jones, Euske,1991)

    Demand Forecast Errors

    The demand forecasts only adds more errors to the final equation (Flyvbjerg, Holm, Buhl, 2005):

    • 84 percent of rail passenger forecasts are wrong by more than ±20 percent.
    • 50 percent of road traffic forecasts are wrong by more than ±20 percent.
    • Errors in traffic forecasts are found in the 14 nations and 5 continents covered by the study.
    • Inaccuracy is constant for the 30-year period covered: no improvement over time.

    The Machiavellian Formulae

    Adding the cost and demand errors to other uncertain effects, we get :

    Machiavelli’s Formulae:
    Overestimated revenues + Overvalued development effects – Underestimated cost – Undervalued environmental impact = Project Approval (Flyvbjerg, 2007)

    Cost Projections

    Transportation infrastructure projects do not appear to be more prone to cost underestimation than are other types of large projects like: power plants, dams, water distribution, oil and gas extraction, information technology systems, aerospace systems, and weapons systems.

    All of the findings above should be considered forms of risk. As has been shown in cost engineering research, poor risk analysis account for many project cost overruns.
    Two components of errors in the cost estimate can easily be identified (Bertisen, 2008):

    • Economic components: these errors are the result of incorrectly forecasted exchange rates, inflation rates of unit prices, fuel prices, or other economic variables affecting the realized nominal cost. Many of these variables have positive skewed distribution. This will then feed through to positive skewness in the total cost distribution.
    • Engineering components: this relates to errors both in estimating unit prices and in the required quantities. There may also be an over- or underestimation of the contingency needed to capture excluded items. Costs and quantity errors are always limited on the downside. However, there is no limit to costs and quantities on the upside, though. For many cost and quantity items, there is also a small probability of a “catastrophic event”, which would dramatically increase costs or quantities.

    When combining these factors the result is likely to be a positive skewed cost distribution, with many small and large under run and overrun deviations (from most likely value) joined by a few very large or catastrophic overrun deviations.

    Since the total cost (distribution) is positively skewed, expected cost can be considerably higher than the calculated most likely cost.

    We will have these findings as a backcloth when we examine the Norwegian Ministry of Finance’s guidelines  for assessing risk in public works (Ministry of Finance, 2008, pp 3) (Total uncertainty equal to the sum of systematic and unsystematic uncertainty):

    Interpreting the guidelines, we find the following assumption and advices:

    1. Unsystematic risk cancels out looking at large portfolios of projects.
    2. All systematic risk is perfectly correlated to the business cycle.
    3. Total cost approximately normal distributed.

    Since total risk is equal to the sum of systematic and unsystematic risk will, by the 2nd assumption, unsystematic risks comprise all uncertainty not explained by the business cycle. That is it will be comprised of all uncertainty in planning, mass calculations etc. and production of the project.

    It is usually in these tasks that the projects inherent risks later are revealed. Based on the above studies it is reasonable to believe that the unsystematic risk have a skewed distribution and is located in its entirety on the positive part of the cost axis i.e. it will not cancel out even in a portfolio of projects.

    The 2nd assumption that all systematic risk is perfectly correlated to the business cycle is a convenient one. It opens for a simple summation of percentiles (10%/90%) for all cost variables to arrive at total cost percentiles. (see previous post in this series)

    The effect of this assumption is that the risk model becomes a perverted one, with only one stochastic variable. All the rest can be calculated from the outcomes of the “business cycle” distribution.

    Now we know that delivery time, quality and prices for all equipment, machinery and raw materials are dependent on the activity level in all countries demanding or producing the same items. So, even if there existed a “business cycle” for every item (and a measure for it) these cycles would not necessarily be perfectly synchronised and thus prove false the assumption.

    The 3rd assumption implies either that all individual cost distributions are “near normal” or that they are independent and identically-distributed with finite variance, so that the central limit theorem can be applied.

    However, the individual cost distributions will be the product of unit price, exchange rate and quantity so even if the elements in the multiplication has a normal distribution, the product will not have a normal distribution.

    Claiming the central limit theorem is also a no-go since the cost elements by the 2nd assumption is perfectly correlated, they can not be independent.

    All experience and every study concludes that the total cost distribution does not have a normal distribution. The cost distribution evidently is positively skewed with fat tails whereas the normal distribution is symmetric with thin tails.

    Our concerns about the wisdom of the 3rd assumption, was confirmed in 2014, see: The implementation of the Norwegian Governmental Project Risk Assessment Scheme and the following articles.

    The solution to all this is to establish a proper simulation model for every large project and do the Monte Carlo simulation necessary to establish the total cost distribution, and then calculate the risks involved.

    “If we arrive, as our forefathers did, at the scene of battle inadequately equipped, incorrectly trained and mentally unprepared, then this failure will be a criminal one because there has been ample warning” — (Elliot-Bateman, 1967)


    Bertisen, J., Davis, Graham A. (2008). Bias and error in mine project capital cost estimation.. Engineering Economist, 01-APR-08

    Elliott-Bateman, M. (1967). Defeat in the East: the mark of Mao Tse-tung on war. London: Oxford University Press.

    Flyvbjerg Bent (2007), Truth and Lies about Megaprojects, Inaugural speech, Delft University of Technology, September 26.

    Flyvbjerg, Bent, Mette K. Skamris Holm, and Søren L. Buhl (2002), “Underestimating Costs in Public Works Projects: Error or Lie?” Journal of the American Planning Association, vol. 68, no. 3, 279-295.

    Flyvbjerg, Bent, Mette K. Skamris Holm, and Søren L. Buhl (2005), “How (In)accurate Are Demand Forecasts in Public Works Projects?” Journal of the American Planning Association, vol. 71, no. 2, 131-146.

    Hofstadter, D., (1999). Gödel, Escher, Bach. New York: Basic Books

    Jones, L.R., K.J. Euske (1991).Strategic Misrepresentation in Budgeting. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 1(4), 437-460.

    Ministry of Finance, (Norway) (2008,). Systematisk usikkerhet. Retrieved July 3, 2009, from The Concept research programme Web site: http://www.ivt.ntnu.no/bat/pa/forskning/Concept/KS-ordningen/Dokumenter/Veileder%20nr%204%20Systematisk%20usikkerhet%2011_3_2008.pdf

  • Plans based on average assumptions ……

    Plans based on average assumptions ……

    This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series The fallacies of scenario analysis


    The Flaw of Averages states that: Plans based on the assumption that average conditions will occur are usually wrong. (Savage, 2002)

    Many economists use what they believe to be most likely ((Most likely estimates are often made in-house based on experience and knowledge about their operations.)) or average values ((Forecasts for many types of variable can be bought from suppliers of ‘consensus forecasts’.))  (Timmermann, 2006) (Gavin & Pande, 2008) as input for the exogenous variables in their spreadsheet calculations.

    We know however that:

    1. the probability for any variable to have outcomes equal to any of these values is close to zero,
    1. and that the probability of having outcomes for all the (exogenous) variables in the spreadsheet model equal to their average is virtually zero.

    So why do they do it? They obviously lack the necessary tools to calculate with uncertainty!

    But if a small deviation from the most likely value is admissible, how often will the use of a single estimate like the most probable value be ‘correct’?

    We can try to answer that by looking at some probability distributions that may represent the ‘mechanism’ generating some of these variables.

    Let’s assume that we are entering into a market with a new product, we know of course the maximum upper and lower limit of our future possible market share, but not the actual number so we guess it to be the average value = 0,5. Since we have no prior knowledge we have to assume that the market share is uniformly distributed between zero and one:

    If we then plan sales and production for a market share between 0, 4 and 0, 5 – we would out of a hundred trials only have guessed the market share correctly 13 times. In fact we would have overestimated the market share 31 times and underestimated it 56 times.

    Let’s assume a production process where the acceptable deviation from some fixed measurement is 0,5 mm and where the actual deviation have a normal distribution with expected deviation equal to zero, but with a standard deviation of one:

    Using the average deviation to calculate the expected error rate will falsely lead to us to believe it to be zero, while it in fact in the long run will be 64 %.

    Let’s assume that we have a contract for drilling a tunnel, and that the cost will depend on the hardness of the rock to be drilled. The contract states that we will have to pay a minimum of $ 0.5M and a maximum of $ 2M, with the most likely cost being $ 1M. The contract and our imperfect knowledge of the geology make us assume the cost distribution to be triangular:

    Using the average ((The bin containing the average in the histogram.)) as an estimate for expected cost will give a correct answer in only 14 out of a 100 trials, with cost being lower in 45 and higher in 41.

    Now, let’s assume that we are performing deep sea drilling for oil and that we have a single estimate for the cost to be $ 500M. However we expect the cost deviation to be distributed as in the figure below, with a typical small negative cost deviation and on average a small positive deviation:

    So, for all practical purposes this is considered as a low economic risk operation. What they have failed to do is to look at the tails of the cost deviation distribution that turns out to be Cauchy distributed with long tails, including the possibility of catastrophic events:

    The event far out on the right tail might be considered a Black Swan (Taleb, 2007), but as we now know they happen from time to time.

    So even more important than the fact that using a single estimate will prove you wrong most of the times it will also obscure what you do not know – the risk of being wrong.

    Don’t worry about the average, worry about how large the variations are, how frequent they occur and why they exists. (Fung, 2010)

    Rather than “Give me a number for my report,” what every executive should be saying is “Give me a distribution for my simulation.”(Savage, 2002)


    Gavin,W.,T. & Pande,G.(2008), FOMC Consensus Forecasts, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, May/June 2008, 90(3, Part 1), pp. 149-63.

    Fung, K., (2010). Numbers Rule Your World. New York: McGraw-Hill.

    Savage, L., S.,(2002). The Flaw of Averages. Harvard Business Review, (November), 20-21.

    Savage, L., S., & Danziger, J. (2009). The Flaw of Averages. New York: Wiley.

    Taleb, N., (2007). The Black Swan. New York: Random House.

    Timmermann, A.,(2006).  An Evaluation of the World Economic Outlook Forecasts, IMF Working Paper WP/06/59, www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2006/wp0659.pdf


  • You only live once

    You only live once

    This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series The fallacies of scenario analysis

    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    — Mae West

    Let’s say that you are considering new investment opportunities for your company and that the sales department has guesstimated that the market for one of your products will most likely grow by a little less than 5 % per year. You then observe that the product already has a substantial market and that this in fifteen years’ time nearly will be doubled:

    Building a new plant to accommodate this market growth will be a large investment so you find that more information about the probability distribution for the products future sales is needed. Your sales department then “estimates” the market yearly growth to have a mean close to zero and a lower quartile of minus 5 % and an upper quartile of plus 7 %.

    Even with no market growth the investment is a tempting one since the market already is substantial and there is always a probability of increased market shares.

    As quartiles are given, you rightly calculate that there will be a 25 % probability that the growth will be above 7 %, but also that there will be a 25 % probability that it can be below minus 5 %. At the face of it, and with you being not too risk averse, this looks as a gamble worth taking.

    Then you are informed that the distribution will be heavily left skewed – opening for considerable downside risk. In fact it turns out that it looks like this:

    A little alarmed you order the sales department to come up with a Monte Carlo simulation giving a better view of the future possible paths of the market development.

    The return with the graph below giving the paths for the first ten runs in the simulation with the blue line giving average value and the green and red the 90 % and 10 % limits of the one thousand simulated outcomes:

    The blue line is the yearly ensemble  averages ((A set of multiple predictions that is all valid at the same time. The term “ensemble” is often used in physics and physics-influenced literature. In probability theory literature the term probability space is more prevalent.

    An ensemble provides reliable information on forecast uncertainties (e.g., probabilities) from the spread (diversity) amongst ensemble members.

    Also see: Ensemble forecasting; a numerical prediction method that is used to attempt to generate a representative sample of the possible future states of dynamic systems. Ensemble forecasting is a form of Monte Carlo analysis: multiple numerical predictions are conducted using slightly different initial conditions that are all plausible given the past and current set of observations. Often used in weather forecasting.));  that is the time series of average of outcomes. The series shows a small decline in market size but not at an alarming rate. The sales department’s advice is to go for the investment and try to conquer market shares.

    You then note that the ensemble average implies that you are able jump from path to path and since each is a different realization of the future that will not be possible – you only live once!

    You again call the sales department asking them to calculate each paths average growth rate (over time) – using their geometric mean – and report the average of these averages to you. When you plot both the ensemble and the time averages you find quite a large difference between them:

    The time average shows a much larger market decline than the ensemble average.

    It can be shown that the ensemble average always will overestimate (Peters, 2010) the growth and thus can falsely lead to wrong conclusions about the market development.

    If we look at the distribution of path end values we find that the lower quartile is 64 and the upper quartile is 118 with a median of 89:

    It thus turns out that the process behind the market development is non-ergodic ((The term ergodic is used to describe dynamical systems which have the same behavior averaged over time as averaged over space.))  or non-stationary ((Stationarity is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for ergodicity. )). In the ergodic case both the ensemble and time averages would have been equal and the problem above would not have appeared.

    The investment decision that at first glance looked a simple one is now more complicated and can (should) not be decided based on market development alone.

    Since uncertainty increases the further we look into the future, we should never assume that we have ergodic situations. The implication is that in valuation or M&A analysis we should never use an “ensemble average” in the calculations, but always do a full simulation following each time path!


    Peters, O. (2010). Optimal leverage from non-ergodicity. Quantitative Finance, doi:10.1080/14697688.2010.513338
